Friday, August 28, 2009

BACA, where is your report?

I haven't received it yet. My e-add is 'wwlau', then @ followed by ''

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tutorial - What are Consumers' Attitudes towards Innovation?

Obviously, not everybody rushes out to get the latest products. Some people move fast, some people never move.

Discuss your own attitude towards new products. Have you ever jumped at a new release / model / version of anything? If so, why or why not? What do other people do? Why? Etc.

Sample Business Proposal (Mobile Cord)

sample business proposal

Business Proposal Samples (Going Green)

Go Green Business Proposal Excutive Summary

Group Presentations Reminder

27th August
  • MACB - Topic A
  • BACA - Topic B

10th September

  • RETARDS - Topic F
  • EXCELLENCE - Topic C
  • WTF - Topic D

17th September

  • ANYTHING - Topic E

Make sure you're familiar with the assessment scheme prior to presenting. Do well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Lecture #5 Consumer Market Behaviour

View more presentations from Alwyn Lau.

What the F**K is Social Media?

Check out the Seth Godin quote on one of the slides...
View more documents from Marta Kagan.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What is Permission Marketing?

Try to find out.

Tutorial - The Macro Environment

Choose a product/service which has been severely impacted by the below environmental factors:
  • demographics
  • politics
  • culture
  • technology
  • nature
  • economics

One product for one factor. Explain how/why (e.g. beer sales impacted by politics because Islamic-oriented government seeks to ban it, etc.).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Group Topics - Revision and Reminder

Check it out. (I've also modifed the link under the 'Official' column on the right).

Each team must choose 1 topic from Group 1 and another topic from Group 2.

Also, a quick reminder from the unit outline about your group work:
"The group assignments will require an analysis of the relevant marketing theories, and must be properly investigated, with arguments and conclusions presented and reported in a logical and consistent manner. For the 2 assigned topics, each group is required to verbally present, and also submit a written report highlighting their understanding of the subject matter.

The time allocated to presentations will be 10 - 12 minutes per group topic.

Each report will need to contain sufficient detailed information to clearly explain the key aspects of the topic. It is expected that each report will be 4 - 5 PAGES in length (plus refs).

In the written report, all research information must be correctly referenced using the Chicago Referencing Style, and will form a key part of the overall assessment of the report."

You have been so advised, :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Check out this website and try to answer this question: "If marketing occurs when people use exchange as a means of satisfying needs and wants, is the act of involvement in an example of marketing?:
(No I didn't include the word 'Tutorial' in the title, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't participate).

Monday, August 10, 2009

Please pay your FEES by Friday

'Nuff said.

This Thursday (13/8) class OFF, Friday (14/8) ON

Everyone, please take note: For this week, I can not have the tutorial on Thursday as no classrooms are available. So the Friday class remains.

For next week, it'll be Thursday; stay tuned for the venue.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tutorial - S.W.O.T.

Select a company of your choice and do a simple S.W.O.T. analysis.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Marketing101 from SmallBizU

Virtually an entire syllabus online. Check it out for alternative explanations, slides, articles, etc.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tutorial - Different Kinds of Demand

Can you think of products/services which reflect each kind of demand?