Thursday, August 27, 2009

BACA's Presentation

View more presentations from Alwyn Lau.


  1. Since Alwyn So unsarcastically (and uncharacteristically) pointed out that we haven't commented on the Presentation, I might as well be the first to unclench and take one for the team (if anybody does not understand that term, watch more male prison movies)

    I thought BACA's presentation was overall good. Their slides were clear and understandable. However, a few points here.

    - Sometimes a few of the members seemed lost. Nerves, probably.

    - Did the opposite of ours and put too little points, They spoke more of it and it was a bit easy to get a bit blur after a bit.

    - The antics of some of the members made it slightly distracting, but not enough to lose focus on the presentation.

  2. (BACA, are you going to take this lying down?) ;>)

    I thought the best part of BACA's gig was the natural-ness and enthusiasm of the presenters. The part which needed the most improvement was time management and coherency.

  3. -Man Yin-

    i prefer one of the members' style which steady and clear. Other members may seems rushing or maybe nervous. However, their explaination is good and clear by giving close example. Though some points are actually repeating, but this make me remember and help to memorize it for exam :)

    There is one point just to suggest : i think every member should have know what the other group member are going to present. So when the member run out of word or just need someone to help out in explaining, other member can help out quickly. In this group, i see the scene of group member helping each other, especially in explaining the mouse trap and also conclusion. Good team work.

  4. Haha..Although, I (representing my group-BACA)feel that it is good to accept bob and man yin's critics as constructive criticism, however Alwyn insist that we say something about it therefore I shall.. haha..

    Firstly, speaking of nerves I am pretty sure MACB also have some encounter with the butterflies in the stomach incident while presenting. I guess it is only normal to feel that way.

    Also, giving the fact that the two groups have to work on the same topic definitely we wouldn't have been able to present as much. MACB had the advantage by going first. Therefore we have changed our way of presenting in order to not bore the floor with repetition on the same details regarding the topic. In a manner, I think we've managed pretty well seeing how limited we were. As we have also highlighted to Alywn before our presentation that most of our points have overlapped each other because of the topic itself.

    Furthermore, speaking of antics, I think we were just trying to relax and have fun as well as create a less serious environment with our classmates who are listening. We want it to be more conversational and informal as to being too uptight and formal throughout the presentation. For we believe that it could restrict participation from the floor.

  5. Also, haha.. I left out man yin's part!
    Like I have pointed out above, the repetition is due to the similar topic the two groups have. Therefore, there will definitely be some sort of repetition one way or another. haha..all in all I am glad that it helps your remember man yin! haha..

  6. Pheww!! there you go! I hope I don't offend anybody by saying all of this! :P

  7. no offense need be taken as i'm sure none was meant. what's important is honest and vigour in discussion - am glad to see some frank exchanges. (and remember every group must present twice, so...)

  8. what i think is...BACA try to make the presentation more interactive with the listeners/audiences and try hard to catch attention with lively examples...its not like we purposely try to act funny in front of people..anyway, i think everyone had done a cool job and we all still have much more to learn.

  9. Maybe the presenters should reflect on something: Were you observant on whether or not your audience was listening? Were they? If they weren't, how did you feel about that? Most importantly: what can you do about it?

    (This isn't merely an academic question. In the future you will be expected to present on behalf of your org, and there WILL be members in the audience who won't listen or need more incentive/spurring to do so.)

  10. For me..
    I have to say sorry..
    Cos initially I really thought it's a informal tute presentation..So we make it simple and easier to understand..and also do it very casual...
    like sharing what we know with our classmates...

    Therefore, next time we will be more serious (but no boring)..

    Thanks for everyone's comment~!

  11. I honestly think the presentation was fine, maybe the slides could have been more exciting with pictures and stuff, but for the second group, naturally the nerves- ness is beyond natural for being the first or second group, and talking about the dress code, as far as I remembered the girls were formal casual, but over-all I think the presentation was fine, Chloe’s voice is naturally soft, so one has to be observant to listen, and the rest three group members had good voice projections, only in the ending Audrey could have put her explanation in words or in a table, but I think it was fine :)

    P/s: no hard feelings ah people, I just wrote what I felt, :)
